My Haitian friend, The "Negro" Pierre. Translated by Isaac Moore from New York.
Pierre is Haitian. We became friends several years ago, sharing a group that tried, occasionally, have a more humanistic vision and commitment to the future of mankind. He is a diplomat and no longer lives in our country, which is Argentina, but he made friends. He now lives in Canada. He is in a new stage of life, where fighting uprooted with his family. I remember his gratitude every time I did an interview with the Argentine military forces, stationed in Haiti on a humanitarian mission. He gave a look into his homeland that, helped others to see with empathy, and would almost bring me to tears.Tales of poverty, exclusion, pillageing, barbarism, disease, subjugation to the authority of feuding factions in a bloody conflict, where there were barracks for the poor. There was no headquarters for anyone. A country, victim of oblivion, gone above and only taken into account by tour operators shown as 'picturesque' landscapes of exclusion. And now the earthquake, that could not be avoided. What it could have been avoided was that Haiti had the guard of the defeated tailbacks. In a cruel paradox, the control tower at Port Au Prince is inoperable, and it is going to cost a lot of money to get humanitarian aid to where it is needed by plane.It's hard not to wonder where are the mobile towers that control the military powers use when they want to bomb a sovereign country, using any excuse to not believe or illiterateor to only serve at the point of a bomb? To vernacular dictators at bay, who flout the interests of the people? The only hospital that remains standing is overwhelmed and doing piecework, is the Mission of Argentina. Despite the vagaries administrators, our support was constant. But now, not enough. The Red Cross has stepped up its efforts, but once again, not enough. Nothing has been achieved. And my dear 'Negro' Pierre has a broken soul, dreams destroyed, and a future that has been erased. A country in which the future is just enough to stay alive another day. A humanity that continues on a collision course. And I can not help my friend. Just tell him I'm with him. I pray with him.